2024 July Update
Center Console Progress So I had spent quite a lot of time designing, printing, test fitting, modifying, and re-printing all of the various parts of the center console for the Nova. After many different iterations, I finally have a working candidate. I am not sure how many hours I spent designing and tweaking the 11 individual segments of this thing, but I believe it was worth it. The shroud section is made up of 5 segments, each with two 10mm thick flanges on each end that use three M4 bolts to hold it tightly in alignment with the other pieces. There are also arched reinforcements on the bottom that are molded to the floor to add additional support. The top is made up of 5 main segments, plus 1 additional segment for the cup holders. Each of the primary 5 segments are held together with a dovetail joint, and then it snaps firmly into the top of the shroud, held in place only with friction. I do need to add some sort of snap/clip based retention mechanism for the fina...